Writer Challenge #4

So we took a personal advert and tried to make a story about it. Catherine didn't have time but I was able to write something. Source: Pintrest It had been a while since I went on a date. It was 1975 and I was living in New York City. I was just 29 and I [...]

Writer Challenge #3: The fox in the box

Today was a Tuesday, which meant the usual grocery shopping had to be done. The bags were filled with fresh vegetables, fruit and two really nice sausages to eat. They were heavy and made my old body slump forward because of its weight. My daughter kept saying it was bad for my back. She said [...]

Writer Challenge #2: Satan’s first X-mas

~Catherine Daezelaar (Prompt: A dyslexic girl/boy sends accidentally a letter to Satan instead of Santa) “I hate it! Hate it!” The red creature with two horns growled at seeing the Christmas decorations. It was everywhere, the Christmas spirit even reached the underworld. Satan, ruler of said underworld, growled in annoyance again when a soul with [...]

Writing Challenge 1: Daily action

Catherine's entry: Dirt. Mud. I press the black pump down. A rich aroma fills the room. As if I’m standing in a lavender field, hugged by the warm, sweet purple plant. White mixed with brown. Thousands of little air bubbles that become this soft looking foam. Once the cool silver handle stands upwards, the cold [...]